I thought I lived in a democracy until they became teenagers. My life with my girls. And now with my grill!
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Happy New Year
Friday, December 26, 2008
Christmas Catch Up ...
I took the week off work. Actually, I've taken a lot of time off work lately. After spending the summer traveling, I maxed out on paid time off and needed to take the time off to prevent myself from losing future time.
Anyway, the week started with two new additions to the house. Which prompts an end of the year Green Tip of the Post ...
To begin with we got three new windows for the girls rooms. Here is a picture of two of the windows after installation. We went with insulated, low E (energy), windows from Windows World. The installation crew was very courteous and efficient. The total installation time took one and half hours for the three windows.
Before anyone leaves a comment, we know that we need to clean the brick siding in this area. This is the area where we extended the driveway, so the area in front of these windows was actually bushes, hence the dirt.
Looking at the picture below, you can see why we started with the girls windows. You could almost stick a finger through this window.
The washer and dryer set were Big Es Christmas gift (by her choice), so she spent part of the afternoon Monday "playing" with them. She was literally watching the washing machine washing clothes, for hours!!!?? Strange.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Holiday Lust ????
It was a rather cold evening and I had started a fire to warm the house as Big E and I enjoyed a rare moment without any of the kids in the house. We had been out to dinner and were sitting in the living room enjoying the warmth of the fire and a good movie.
I was feeling a little tired and run down from my recent travels. Big E on the other hand was relaxed and absorbed into the mood of the moment. As the night moved on, she decided that we should take advantage of the moment!!!
Now, as I mentioned, I was tired and simply wanted to enjoy a little peace and quiet in the company of my loving bride. In fact, despite the early hour I was ready to retire to the bed for a long slumber (or snoring session depending on who you believe). However, Big E was not ready to retire and had other things on her mind.
She softly requested a little favor of me that I insisted was unnecessary and due to my present state I was not prepared to do. Moments later she whispered to me the same request as if her seductive manner would change my mind. Again, I refused her request with slightly more vigor.
A moment later, she was attacking me, ripping and tearing with a fervor that I haven't experienced before. Screaming and begging followed on my behalf as I tried to explain to her that I was tired and did not feel ..... dramatic pause ..... another log on the fire was necessary as I was planning to retire soon, but she would have none of it and insisted not only that I add another log to the fire but that I also stay up with her to watch yet another chick flick on TV.
Just look at this picture to see the devastation of the moment ..... I guess I should be more willing to watch chick flicks in the future?
Ha Ha Ha ... Get your minds out of the gutter people. Ya'll should know that this is a family blog!!
The picture is the result or inspiration for that little story. The jeans were my favorite pair of jeans but to be honest they were done. There were sections of those pants that were so thin you could see through them. After a day of shopping, while gathering the bags the pants ripped straight down the backside. Since the pants were officially history and since Big E despised the pants, she decided to ripped them further until they could not be sewn back together as I had done more than once with that pair.
I couldn't let me favorite pair of jeans die without a little eulogy. I have replaced that pair of jeans with a new favorite pair. I hope this pair is as good to me as the previous pair.
Editors note: Tell me what you think of this post, Big E found it embarrassing and Little E said it wasn't funny. I on the other hand find this one to be very funny and a perfect ode to a perfect pair of pants.
Friday, December 19, 2008
AC/DC in Atlanta
AC/DC is one of my top two of three bands of all time. Heck, they are the top band most of the time.
For those that read often enough, you know that I really like music and love going to concerts. In a few previous posts, I have described some of my concert exploits. This was my sixth or seventh time to see AC/DC over the years but it was Big Es first time to see them. In fact, it is only the fourth concert that I have been willing to take her to see (mainly because we dont see eye to eye on music). Luckily, Big E recognizes some of the bands songs and actually enjoys them too.
Since the concert was in Atlanta, I decided to trade in some of my well earned Hilton Honors points for a free night at the Embassy Suites directly across from the Phillips Arena. This location happens to be centered in the middle of downtown Atlanta within walking distance of The Olympic Park, The Georgia Aquarium, The World of Coca-Cola, The CNN Center, and the Georgia Dome. To say we were in the middle of everything is an understatement.
Before the show, Big E and I went to Ruth's Chris Steakhouse for dinner. If you are going to make a night out, might as well make it big. After dinner, we enjoyed the managers reception at the hotel before going to the show.
Once at the show, it was everything that we expected and more. We concert itself was awesome. In addition, it provided for a great opportunity to people watch. People watching is a favorite past time of ours at events of this nature. For this concert, it provided a special opportunity to people watch individuals between the ages of 6 and 60 in the same location. All I can say is that some people might want to consider dressing their age.....!!!!!!
Below are a few pictures from the show ...
A picture from our room overlooking the Olympic Park, at night.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
A Morning Post ...
1. Sunday evening we went to the Pine Level United Methodist Church Christmas Special entitled the Cradle. My mother-in-law sang a solo (very good one) during the presentation that included live actors acting out the story of Christmas. I very good production especially for such a small congregation. I took some photos but my skills with a camera are limited and the pictures did not turn out.
2. I got an early Christmas present recently ... Little Elizabeth will be coming to live at our house full time. We are all really excited about this change in the household, and as one of our girls pointed out it should provide more opportunities for blog worthy moments.
3. Tonight is the big AC/DC concert. I am really excited about seeing and hearing the guys rock the house tonight. We are planning on going to the IKEA store also. Mom is going to be hanging with the girls for the evening which should be fun for everyone.
4. Only nine days left till Christmas!!!!
I hope everyone is enjoying the holiday season. I know that I am happy to finally be home with no other travel plans in the future. I almost feel like I can relax a little and enjoy the season now.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Guest Blog - Numero Seven
This has seemed to take forever; one day I'll get the hang of it all---ha ha ha! Anyway..
Congratulations, Stephen, on your 1-year anniversay of "blogging". Who in the world thinks up these words? I know I'm a little behind the times, but there is no way I would put myself out there the way you do. Of course, there is the whole thing about having nothing to hide.
Editors Note: To learn more about the term blogs and a history of blogging, click here.
I still prefer hand-written notes, "real" Christmas cards sent through the mail and "real" homemade food. This, of course, is the reason I am so behind in the technology department. Editors Note: It is also the reason for the roundness of my father, who gets to eat all of those awesome homemade meals. I do promise to try to do better.
You are and have always been a blessing to this family and I will love you always, no matter what. That is part of a mother's job, but in your case not a hard one.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Guest Blog - Numero Seis
Hey! It’s Elizabeth … the little one. :)
I’m probably the last one to write a guest blog – sorry, dad – but writing isn’t my better subject and I definitely cannot write under pressure – DAD!! It takes me a little while and I have to ruminate about what I want to say. (Haha. Yeah, that was a vocab word a few weeks ago.) But anyway, here it goes …
I can’t believe it’s already been a whole year since you started this thing. Time flies! Everyone says it goes by faster as you get older, but it’s already wayyy too fast for me now. I’m a junior (‘010!!!) and scared to death of leaving high school. I kinda, sorta know what I want to be when I grow up – well I at least have it narrowed down to two choices and I have chosen the college that has both majors.
Work in a Crime Lab.
Be an Elementary Teacher (Kindergarten – Second Grade)
Now, before I state the college I would PREFER to attend … Yes, I know that these are two completely different things. But hey, who really goes to college and knows exactly what they want to do? Anyway, I’m actually taking a “class” that might help me decide whether to major in Biology or Elementary Education.
The Sheriff’s Department downtown offers all kinds of different Explorer Programs to help high-schoolers determine their major and whether they are really interested in it or not. The one I go to now is a Forensics class. It’s mostly hands on stuff so that you can really get the feel for it. As my dad has previously mentioned this includes dead bodies. No, we don’t actually physically see or touch them, but there were some pretty graphic pictures. And as for us actually getting to take the pictures (which actually I didn’t get to go that Tuesday) it wasn’t of real dead bodies. We were only going to practice proper angles at which to take pictures and what to take pictures of at the scene. Other lessons of the class include Ballistics, Evidence Collection and Fingerprints. They are also trying to set up a tour of the Crime Lab in Montgomery, which is where I would like to work – not as a CSI Photographer as my Dad wrongly mentioned.
On the other hand, teaching little kids would be so much fun!! Especially at a Christian private school because then I could not only teach them their ABC’s, but also about Jesus. :) Besides, I feel more led by God to teach.
The University of South Alabama offers both majors -- Biology and Elementary Education. So this would be the college of my choice. It is 177 miles from Montgomery and it takes about three hours to get there. An estimated cost of tuition per year is $5,500. This would be commuting of course. Editors note: commuting 177 miles each way per day is not an option. I guess I need to check into the on campus living costs. I could also apply for the Presidential Scholarship which ranges from $2,500 to $10,000 each year.
Now off the subject of my college options and back to the real reason I am writing this. Thanks, Dad for writing this and keeping up with what goes on around here. Yes, some things may be embarrassing, but I really appreciate it. I love you.
Love, Little E.
P.S. Sorry this is so long and that most of it is about me. I promise I’m not really that conceited.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Guest Blog - Number Cinco
Season Greetings from Big E!!
Yes, I have finally gotten around to sending in my Guest Blog. I would like to go ahead and warn everyone that I am not as witty at writing as my wonderful, loving, caring, sympathetic, stud of a husband!! HAHAHA, Ok maybe I got a little carried away there with the …….sympathetic part. Remember he is the one who kind of blew off the whole Brook getting her head cracked open thing and trying to play it off like he didn’t know what had happened. I did tell him that her head was busted open before we left, he just gave me the usual “OK” answer. I have learned that a quick “Oh OK” means I heard that you said something but I don’t know what it was and I don’t care so I’m going to pretend that I understand in hopes that you go away and not interrupt my TV time.
There is soooo much that I would love to discuss in this blog, however, I don’t think that there are enough Megabytes in the world to allow me to express my many thoughts of Stephen and the blog. Editors note: I love this woman!!!! I have to admit that I do enjoy reading his take on things within our little section of the world. Though I do find myself wondering where in the world he was when some of the action was taking place. The girls and I have come to expect the quote “Now that’s going on the blog” whenever something of interest occurs.
I feel as though I need to defend myself (and tattle) on Stephen. I mean what fun would this be if I didn’t, right? The Frat Boys post!!! I can’t believe he told that. Even though Jessica and I rolled on the floor laughing as he walked into the bathroom, and to here him exclaim my name in a bad way seconds after, I mean that was classic!!! I really didn’t think that would make the blog. I mean my mom and mother-in-law read this. BUT lets be real, if you really know me, were you really surprised that I did that? I do believe that Stephen forgot to mention that he soon returned the favor. Editors note: HUH? See he didn’t tell you that part did he? Lets just say that you read how much he enjoys his “adult beverages” so it wasn’t a walk through the rose garden, if you know what I mean.
I have to admit I enjoy pulling pranks and scaring him every chance I get. I’ll hide behind the corner of a wall or the door and then jump out and say “arrggh” and then he’ll jump!! I love it!! Every now and then he will get me back.
The latest game around the house is well it is a car game. The object of the game is to smack a person in the vehicle with you everytime you see a yellow vehicle. Stephen hates this game, and why do you think he hates the game,……………..because he sucks at it!!! Editors note: All of the girls wear rings that hurt! That’s right, this would be what he refers to as a “chick” game, a game that he is not good at.
Anyway, the other day (Editors note: It was Thanksgiving Day, A day of family and love!!!) I had popped him like 6 times, to his popping me once. I mean a yellow bus, really how hard is it to see and wait his one pop was a yellow dumpster that was in someone’s driveway. So I got that pop back!! HA (I guess it is a good thing he is getting that eye surgery done)
Well, I think that I have rambled on long enough so I will wrap it up with saying, Stephen I think you are awesome and I love you so much, even when you rat out my not so lady like side!!!
Love you babe, Big E
Editors note: I think this explains it all. We are perfectly matched. I love my "not so lady" like wife and all of the fun stuff that she and the girls create around the house. My life would be boring and lonely without them. Of course, I probably would not drink the "adult beverages" or have this blog without them. Nothing is perfect except our love for each other and our girls. I dont say I love you to the girls often (or as Jessica might say, ever!) but I really do and I know their mother does do. It is that love that makes these stories so awesome and fun to share. I love you girls, all of you.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
A Sunday Evening Post ...
This is one of my favorite times of the year. The seasons have changed and the first waves of really cool weather are starting to come through, football is in full force, the cats want to spend more time in your lap, and the holiday festivities are in full force.
Friday we lit the first fire of the season. Regretfully, I lit the first but didn't open the damper for the fireplace. This created a little fun in the house as the fire had been going for several minutes before I finally realized the mistake. Of course, by that time, the house was half full of smoke. At this point, we began the frantic search for a flashlight (so I could double check my ignorance) and to find a pair of gloves to protect my hand from the hot metal to open the damper.
The good news is that I managed to fix this little problem without burning myself. The bad news is that we had to open the back door, lower half the windows in the house, and turn on every ceiling fan just to get the smoke out of the house.
With that little disaster avoided, we managed to have a perfectly uneventful evening until ... If you half close the fire place screen it creates a funnel effect that allows the smoke to escape up along the mantel. I managed to forget this little fact and for a little while smoke was escaping up the mantel until we finally realized that our eyes where burning for a reason. Once again, we found ourselves opening doors, windows and turning on fans (at 11:00 o'clock at night).
Its not bad enough that I managed to smoke out the house twice in one evening but I managed to make one more really stupid mistake. The smoke left a nice trial of blackening along its escape route on the mantel. Since I was stuck letting the house air out, I decided to go ahead and clean the mantel of the smoke discoloration. The problem is that I didn't consider the heating effect on the stone portion of the mantel UNTIL I touched the stone with nothing more that a slightly damp cloth between the stone and my hand. Being my third strike of the evening, I managed to say a few words before being reminded of the opened doors and windows.
What a night!! To top it off, I got to listen to my beautiful bride tell me about how her eyes burned, etc. I guess I really deserved it though.
Reality TV break .... Nick and Starr are the official winners of the Amazing Race. Who chose them to win?
Speaking of Friday, Jessica turned 18. I can't believe that we have a daughter that is 18 and graduating from high school this year. For her birthday, Big E and I bought her a hope chest. Now, not being a female, I don't fully understand the hope chest concept, but it seemed really important to Big E that we find one. As Big E explained to me that purpose of the chest, I finally came to the realization of why it is called a hope chest. Imagine the first fathers who built these chests for their daughters, why would they have done this? Without doing any real research into the subject, my guess is because the father was going to fill the chest with items and hope that some good man comes and takes his little girl. Of course, that is just a joke. We are really proud of Jessica and all that she has become and look forward to seeing even more growth from her in the coming years.
With that said, the battery is running low and I need to complete the laundry before I leave for Mississippi tomorrow. Have a great week.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Guest Blog - Numero Cuatro
Sorry it took so long...been a little distracted by the sudden urge to craft :) I see how short and sweet your other guest posts are so I hope you don't mind a long one. It's just so hard to narrow down the Pee Pee subject! Congratulations on a whole year!! As we previously discussed …. Here it is:
For my guest blog I thought it would be interesting to cover the subject of Pee Pee. For a moment I thought it might be a bit inappropriate but then I remembered that this is your blog and there has already been quite a bit of potty talk here anyway!
On the subject of Pee Pee I tend to consider myself an expert. In my little corner of the world with two 4 year old boys it seems that life is really just about seeing it, smelling it, talking about it, finding it, cleaning it. Potty training was an interesting task and I just assumed that once we figured that out we would be golden (no pun intended) when it comes to Pee Pee. What I didn’t realize was that potty trained would just mean that they now had control over when and most importantly WHERE the Pee Pee would go.
Now rationally thinking the Pee Pee goes in the potty of course but in a toddler mind … it counts as long as it’s IN the bathroom. There are so many things to distract them that they may or may not pay attention the entire time the Pee Pee is coming out. It may be on the floor, on the shower curtain, splattered in the trash can next to the potty or anywhere else relatively close. This of course means that those proud moments of “Mommy, I went potty all by myself” are quickly followed by not so proud moments of “crap…now there is, at the least a smattering and at most an ocean of Pee Pee to be cleaned up”. Before you know it, your cleaning up Pee Pee while talking on the phone, taking a second look before you sit down yourself, rushing to be sure it’s all gone before your company comes over and in general on 24/7 Pee Pee watch!!
That’s my life at the moment all summed up in Pee Pee terms!
Congrats again on the anniversary .…. keep it up ….. I enjoy reading about what’s going on with everyone!!
Friday, December 5, 2008
Guest Blog - Numero Tres
Great job Dude! Yeah I read it. Like reality T.V. cant miss!So Long and Thanks for all the Fish!
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Guest Blog - Numero Dos
love this blog bro-in-law u make it so much fun to read. quick wit. keep it up!
love ya'll
the jr's
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Guest Blog - Numero Uno
Happy Aniversary to you
Happy Aniversary to you
Happy Aniversary to themtgylees
Happy Aniversary to you.
Favorite Mother - n - law
Thanks for the post!
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Thanksgiving Week
We were hoping for a visit with my sister this week, but one of the boys wasn't feeling too good, so they could not make the trip. Hopefully, they will be back into the swing of things soon and make it to Monkey Town for Christmas or early Christmas.
Being alone (that is what it feels like to have the girls away from the house) left Big E and I somewhat stupefied by how to pass the time. We played Tiger Woods Golf on the PlayStation, watched TV, I played Diablo on the computer, and we spent a little time with each other (get your mind out of the gutters).
For Thanksgiving, we had a great time at my mom and dads house. My mother cooked a buffet worth of excellent food. Thoroughly stuffed, we spent a few hours outside playing. I hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving and managed to spend some time with their family and friends.
Little Elizabeth went to Atlanta on Friday to help the Operation Christmas Child stuff boxes, wrap and prepare them for shipping. She does this each year with the youth group at her church. Big E and I spent the day helping the economy, shopping. Thankfully, we were done by mid day and went home for a little RnR.
Roooooolllllll Tiiiiiidddddeeee!! That was the highlight of today. After six years, it is really nice to finally get a win. I'm not too sure about next week but today was awesome.
This month marks the anniversary of me starting this blog. In honor of the anniversary, I am asking anyone that regularly reads this to send me an anniversary post. I don't really have any boundaries for the posting as long as it fits within the scope of the blog. Please take a few minutes to send me a "guest" post. If you do decided to send me a "guest" blog post, send it to themtgylees@gmail.com
I haven't had a green tip of the post in a while, but we are trying to be a little greener at the house. We purchased a new set of washer and dryer this weekend. Big E is really excited about getting a set of front loaders that are energy star compliant. In addition, the new washer is supposed to use 65% less water. If you have an old washer as we do, stepping up to a new one could be much better from an energy and water use standpoint.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Bloody Monday and the Sheriffs department
Once the doctor finally got to see them, they ran the usual battery of tests to make sure that she had a brain (this required two CAT scans!!!), and that she didn't have a concussion, etc. Then after five stitches they sent them home. Arrival time 2:45 AM!!!!
Here is Brooke's head with stitches. They are kind of hard to see. The doctor was really nice and didn't shave her head (secretly we were hoping for a little loss of hair).
All was back to normal on Tuesday, when Big E reminded me that I had to take Little E down to the Sheriffs office for her CSI class. Little E wants to become a CSI photographer, so she is participating in a weekly class through the Sheriffs department on the topic.
Since the class is only an hour, I decided to sit in the hallway and wait for her. I don't know everything they discussed but on more than one occasion, I heard the lecturer state something about "this dead body" or notice the "decay", etc. I like horror and gore movies, but what are they watching? Can I participate? Should I participate and monitor this session? Afterwards, I asked her if she enjoyed her "dead people" class and she responded that next week they get to actually take pictures!!! What does that mean? Do I have to participate and act like a dead person? I am concerned about this class.
Anyway, I little bit of fun. Brooke is fine and Little E is a little warped but all is actually well in the Lee house.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Its like drunk typing without the alcohol ....
Jessica took the ACT again and upped her score to a 22. We were hoping for a little better score but it is a better score than the first time. I can't really say too much about the score, as I didn't get close to that number years ago.
Speaking of Jessica, we recently changed her from a standard diabetes management process to the new Omnipod Insulin management system. This is some pretty cool technology (which is also code for expensive). The good news is that the new system is having some very positive effects on her daily life and general well being. Hopefully, this will equate to a year without emergency room trips (that is the break even point financially) and a lot more food freedom for her.
No real update on the other two girls. No news can be good news sometimes.
I took yesterday and today off work. I maxed out my paid time off (PTO) and figured I probably should try using it rather than losing it. Since I had a couple of "easy" days I decided to get a couple of Stephen things done.
The first and most important thing to do was to fix this computer. I've had no more than two gig of available hard drive space now for several months. So I finally broke down and bought a new external hard drive (500 GB!!!). With the new drive, I spent a large portion of day one moving data (music and pictures) to the new hard drive. With the new found free space on the main drive, I finally got around to updating Windows to service pack 3 and defragging the hard drive. It is amazing how much better a computer will run when it gets a little basic maintenance.
Second, I took the time to complete one of my favorite computer games; Heroes of Might and Magic V. I've been playing the game for nearly a year (expansion packs, etc). It was cool to finally see the end of the story.
Third, I took the animals to visit the vet. Yogi got is bi-annual shaving (Elizabeth is too scarred to shave him herself). The vet said he required a double dose of anaesthesia due to his weight problem. If you ask me the cat doesn't have a problem with weight, at twenty pounds, I'd say he has mastered it. The vet actually suggested that we put him on diabetic cat food or that we change him to canned cat food to avoid the carbohydrates, "it would be like putting him on the Aitkens diet".
Rusty is getting over a couple of infections. At this point he is only taking 5 or 6 pills a day.
My main man BooBoo didn't have to go to the vet though. Mainly because I am too scarred to take him. A. The vet would freak to learn how long its been since he has been to a vet and B. It would be a traumatic moment for BooBoo and I don't think he has too many lives left.
All in all a great first day off.
Today, I played a little Tiger Woods Golf 2007 on the Playstation. Then I went and ate lunch with Big E and some of the guys from work. Finally, I had a pre-op exam.
Now, before some of your minds start to wander too much, I have been thinking about having a little surgery done for a while but I didn't want to say anything until all of the bases were covered. On the 15th of January, I am going to have iLasik surgery. This is the newest of the eye surgery's to fix vision. This version of eye surgery has been approved by both the Air force and NASA for their pilots because it does not require a manual incision to be made by the doctor (where the majority of the errors occur with microkeratome eye surgery).
Since I qualify for this version of the surgery and since we are already accustomed to having the money going into a medical flex accounts (we've bought braces for the last two years), we decided it was the best time for me to get this done.
Today, I had the pre-op exam to make sure that there wasn't anything obvious to prevent me from going forward. I needed to get it done now because I need to make the medical flex account decision (that is use it or lose it money) before next week. Part of the process today was to dilate my eyes to complete all of the measurements (to be done again in January right before the surgery). Now, two hours later, I still can not see worth a crap and the only thing I can relate it to is being typsy.
If you've ever had enough to drink that your vision was impaired, that is how I am seeing right now and I haven't even had a drop to drink.
I'll return soon with more information, until then get outside and collect those falling leaves to add to your compost pile.
Monday, November 10, 2008
The dutch oven effect ...
A few weeks ago, Big E came home with this new and not so cheap little item to "try" a new recipe. If you know our cooking skill level then you know that I was scared. In our five years of marriage, we have never thrown out a meal cooked by one of us for a quick pizze order, but we have eaten a few things that the dog refused to eat.
I don't know the official name of this little recipe but I know that it includes chicken, sausage, sausage, bread, chicken broth, celery, onions, and many other things that combine to create a wonderful, exciting and most delicious dinner, lunch the next day and a couple of additional meals to boot. Most importantly, the kids ate it.
So, we tried a second recipe to see if the first one was simply a fluke, and despite some ingredient challenges we had another good meal. This one consisted of chicken, parsnip, carrots, several other items I don't remember and white French Burgundy cooking wine (or Burgundy cooking wine since we were challenged finding the right stuff).
I don't like leftovers but this is one left over that gets better with time. Sort of like chilli!!!! Yuuuummmmm.
This thing was so good that it inspired me to try the cook all day and eat for a week theory. If you haven't tried this theory, there are several websites devoted to it. Anyway, I got up Saturday morning and put together a list of six or seven awesome sounding recipes including the previous mentioned two.
I arrived home with forty dollars of fresh vegetables and a new appreciation for the knowledge of vegetables of the lady at Fresh Market. In addition, I had another sixty dollars of goodies from Publix. I added this to a pile of BOGO (remember this one? Buy one get one free) chicken and sausage that I picked up last weekend at Winn Dixie.
NOTE: Winn Dixie still hasn't responded to my email. No surprise there.
We started cooking around 9:30 AM. Maybe I should say that Elizabeth started cooking. We had friends coming over for the Alabama game so I was really just in the way of the cooking with such a tight time frame. I really underestimated the time frame for cooking such a large portion of food, but we pulled it off. Basically, I cleaned while she cooked. Occasionally, we took a break to rest and see key plays from the various games leading up to the main event OR simply a cool refreshing drink. Around 2:30 our company arrived as we were putting the final touches on the final pot. With the exception of the Chicken, Corn, and Black bean stoup everything tasted great. I will take full credit for the screwed up stoup (a palm full of cumin and corriander is way too much).
We allowed everyone to sample the goodies before allowing it to cool off and find its way into the freezer. I am so proud of my awesome wife. We will actually be able to eat off our labor for the next couple of weeks (mind you we will only have to reheat one dish every three or four days).
So to conclude, here comes the winter weight. It looks like I will have to be a little more diligent with walking and running come February if I am going to run that 5K again.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Halloween Pumpkins
Once you have completed the carving, coat all cuts with vaseline to prevent the loss of moisture from the cuts to help extend the life of the pumpkin. Here is the end result of my pumpkin.
And last but definitely not least is the child friendly smiley face from Brooke. I really like the way the nose turned out with the shadow effect she carved.
I hope you enjoyed this cool little series of pictures. I hope that one day we get better about using the eight or ten cameras that we collectively own so I can do this type of post more often.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Grocery Shopping
1. Financially - This one is easy to understand.
2. Health - Round is a shape just not the shape that either of us desired.
I recently added a couple of other blogs to the list of regularly read blogs. The Jane4girls blog and Wylie Mom blog have become two of my favorite blogs to read. Each of these ladies (I don't know them but I do admire their frugality) are providing for their families (at least food wise) on very limited budgets. For example, the author of Jane4girls blog budgeted a mere $800 dollars to feed her family of four this year and she still has over $200 dollars left to spend this year.
Now, I will never be as organized and willing to save to the extent of those ladies but I can learn from them. With that being said, today was my first day to get out and really try to put coupons to work. Now, I am not going to be going all gung-ho and driving from store to store buying only what is on sale but I am going to review the advertisements, the items needed, the coupon stash and make an informed decision about what store is best for the list in hand. In addition, I am willing to sign up for a store's "bonus card" or whatever.
For todays shopping experience, Winn-Dixie was the lucky winner of our hard earned dollars. The list was approximately 50% meat (we are proud carnivores), a couple of other food items and 50% non-food items (toiletries, cat items, etc). I got all of the meat BOGO (buy one get one free) and managed to use another $21.75 in coupons. The total savings between BOGO and coupons was just short of $64 dollars on a $148 dollar bill. NOT TOO BAD for my first try.
BUT ..........
I was NOT allowed to use my Internet coupons!!! I was told that too many people were saving too much money! Isn't that the whole purpose of coupons? I told the cashier and bag boy that they could take all of the food items where my coupons were being rejected and return them. Imagine the look on the poor people behind me!!!!
The more I thought about the situation, the madder I became, so here is the email that I sent to Winn-Dixie ...
I was told that I could not use Internet coupons at the Sturbridge store today. The reasoning, as I was told by Jyazmin, is that too many people were using Internet coupons and saving "too much money".
I live a bicycle ride from Winn-Dixie, Brunos, and Publix. I wonder if the other two chains are doing the same thing? I prefer to shop at a single store (and truthfully Winn-Dixie's BOGO free specials often determine the store I shop) but I cant justify shopping anywhere that would discriminate against those of us trying to be frugal with our family budget particularly with the current economic state.
I can't really believe that this is the official Winn-Dixie stand on Internet coupons. I've checked your website and did not see anything to indicate that this is the official stance (though I could have overlooked it). Is this the official stance of Winn-Dixie? If it is the official stance of Winn-Dixie, why do you provide download and print coupons on your website?
I look forward and appreciate hearing back from you.
Stephen Lee
Mom, notice that I was a good little boy in the email. Of course, Winn-Dixie probably gets a hundred plus emails complaining everyday, so my expectations for a response are minimal. If that happens, then I will go directly to the store to request an answer. I'll update everyone on this situation soon.
I think the grand total of coupons rejected was $1.65 with a total sales loss of around $10.00 (all were frozen vegetables). They didn't even complain about the free ($7.00 dollar value) cat litter coupon that was mailed to me but looked like an Internet coupon.
Funny enough, it could have been a $0.10 coupon and I would have been equally angered. Either you accept coupons or you don't!!! They let me use multiple coupons for some items (the receipt even acknowledges it).
Well, while we wait for an official Winn-Dixie response, send me your tricks and tips for saving money. Last weekend, I spent a couple of hours surfing to various websites (Proctor and Gamble, Betty Crocker, etc) and signing up for their emails, newsletters, etc. I did this while drinking beer and watching football so I didn't really lose any of my "valuable" time doing it, but I did manage to get myself some really nice recipes and coupons out of it.
Its really simple to take this approach, simply look in the pantry and go to the websites of the companies you see. WARNING: Setup a special email before you go signing up for every one's emails and newsletters. I use my Gmail (from Google) for these types of sign up offers. It is amazing the crap (oh, I mean special offers and discounts) that you will receive once you sign up for this stuff.
As a quick update, the recipe that I referenced in the previous blog was truly awesome AND it was even better as a left over. I dont usually like left overs but that stuff was better on day two and three. If you have a weak stomach though, avoid it.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Back for another week...
First, lets update the show. For the first time, the married couple didn't win. We didn't see the whole show, so I don't have much of a recap but I don't want anyone to think I've giving up on the show. Last week, I received an email requesting a Google map of the trip. I thought this was a really good idea. Instead of trying to create the map myself, I found the following website.
The reason for missing part of the show is really simple, we ate some seriously awesome dinner tonight. Elizabeth and I watch a diverse series of television. One night last week, we found a good sounding recipe while watching Rachel Ray. You can find the recipe here. Tonight, Elizabeth threw this little ditty together and it was awesome. We have plenty of left overs, so this dinner is probably going to be good for at least two dinners this week.
Have you been watching the World Series? I don't think I've watched more than ten games of baseball all year. I will admit that some of the reason is the poor performance of the Braves for the past year, but with the series starting this past week, I am a little excited. The Montgomery Biscuits are a Double A team for the Tampa Rays, so we have enjoyed watching some of the kids playing ball. We try to catch at least 5 or 6 games a year and this past year was no different. We've been lucky enough to see many of the guys playing in the minors.
Halloween is on the horizon. Does everyone have there customes ready? Elizabeth and I have a party this Friday but I dont think we have customes, yet. I am interested in your ideas for a cool costume. The cost of the costume needs to be minimal, so the idea of some store bought costume is out. I am open to all ideas though. One that I have seriously considered and simply dont have a good idea for is ............. a fart. I really dont know how to pulll this idea off, but it sounds fun. Send me your ideas.
Green tip of the post: For a simple multi-purpose house cleaner, try combining a little warm water, a little salt (the abrasive), and a little lemon juice. The combination is very effective for most of your cleaning needs and it costs a fraction of the cost for your everyday cleaners.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
This overtime stuff is making it impossible for me to catch all of my shows. I guess that I will have to pass on "True blood" this week and catch a reply sometime during the week.
Friday night was the final home football game for the Alabama Christan Academy Eagles. The day was a little chilly with slight rain throughout the day making for perfect football weather. We won a tight one with only minutes to spare. For Jessica, this was her final home football game.
We finished the night by watching Saw II. We are re-watching all of the Saw movies in preparation for the upcoming release of Saw V. If you are not familiar with the Saw series, it is a series of movies that are part gruesome, part suspense, and completely twisted. These movies are not for the average person.
Game break ... the frat boys are charming little fellows and Little Elizabeth's team just got a flat tire.
Saturday we had a little family fun. To begin with, we purchased a few pumpkins for carving (I'll post pictures next time). We visited with my mom and dad for a couple of hours, and we concluded the day with a little grill action.
For entertainment, we had two alternatives. The first was little Gabe. Gabe is a funny little fellow, Jessica and Brooke's cousin, who comes to spend the night with us every now and then. Gabe provides a lot of laughs through his continual harassment of Rusty and his ability to forego sleep. As the old saying goes .... out of the mouth of babes!!
The second half of our entertainment was Saw III. This was not my favorite of the Saw movies but it did explain a lot about the relationship between the two main characters and the reasoning behind the gruesome trials.
Today, Little Elizabeth and I visited my grandmother for lunch. We had a neighborhood grill and block party this afternoon. This was our neighborhoods first block party. I hope that everyone had a good time, I know our family had a good time.
Game break ... the fast track was insane. If Elizabeth and I were the first to arrive for that task, we would have had to turn around and go back to the normal tasks. Elizabeth is terrified of heights so climbing that tower would have never happened.
And the winner is ... for the third week in a row, the struggling married couple. I cant believe that they are playing so strong. And the loser is ... the Carolina girls and Phil's dad for volunteering to give them a big hug!
Sunday, October 12, 2008
A good show ...
We had a pretty solid week. Elizabeth, Jessica and I spent Thursday in Birmingham learning about the new blood meter / injection system. I love technology to an extent, but I am not a fan of technology for the sake of technology. This thing is not technology for the sake of technology though. Its an all-in-one device that checks the blood sugar level, determines the best amount of insulin to inject, and injects the insulin in a timely manner, etc.
Next Saturday is the birthday party for our friends little one. We won't be able to make the party (its in Memphis), but wish Maddox a happy birthday. We haven't been able to see Maddox since they moved. I bet he is really getting big. I hope that we can make a trip up to Memphis sometime soon.
We had a great day Friday. To conclude a recent project at work, we had a little party for everyone that helped. For the party, we had a shrimp and crab boil. As you can imagine, the food turned out VERY good. In addition to food, we also had a little entertainment including the Wii, poker and pool. Elizabeth and I won two pairs of movie tickets!!! She thinks that she won the tickets, but actually I did.
OMG!!! Wrestling!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! See a trainer and learn a routine, that is awesome!!! I could have owned that task.
Did you notice the "Day of the Dead" skeleton hanging in the taxi cab? The Day of the Dead is a holiday, generally observed in Mexico or by those of Mexican decent. The general concept of the Day of the Dead is a celebration of the those that have passed. I love the art associated with this holiday. I bought a cool t-shirt related to this holiday a few years ago. I hope that I can find a few characters related to this holiday in the coming years.
Ok, so the geeks can't wrestle. Third team in to the wrestling arena and who knows which team out.
Arghh, the ex-football player and his estranged wife won the round again for a second time. No worries though, I dont't think they can keep it up. Big E is safe for another week .....
I hope that these teams tip the taxi cabs very well.
And now they figure it out .... a time delay! Arrrrrrrrrggggggggggghhhhhhhhh! It looks like I am going down tonight. Obscenities are being spoken under my breath. It looks like both Pop and I are out of the race. We have been eliminated from the race! I still think they could have won the race, but I was wrong.
Little Elizabeth called me already!!!!! She could not remember if she or I chose the geeks. Well, Pop and I are out. To keep it fun, I am choosing another team but it will not count at the end (unless I change my mind). I think I will go with the ex wife and husband.
Another fun Sunday show. I hope that everyone enjoyed it with us.
No green tip this post. Have a great week.
PS - Roll Tide at number 2!!!! Can I get a heck yes???????
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
A quick update or two ...
1. Three new blogs listed today. I found them Monday evening. Some of the posts on the pictures blog are a little risky, but many of them are really cool.
2. The two other blogs are based on some mothers saving a TON of MONEY buying groceries, etc. Can you imagine spending less than $800 dollars a year on food for your family? I am trying to figure out their secrets. Actually, they are blogging their secrets, maybe I will be able to figure out!!!???
3. Big day tomorrow, we go to our first training class on Jessicas new blood sugar monitoring gadget. We actually have to go to two of these classes.
4. We took the girls to the park Sunday for a little football action. I was the only one to suffer an injury.
5. Roll Tide! It was an ugly win, but a win all the same.
6. Elizabeth is getting her hair done tonight so I solo'd it for dinner. Steak Ranchero and beer!!!! No tapas there, I am stuffed. I better remember that her hair looks great when she gets home.
I hope you are having a great week. Leave me a comment with your favorite Amazing Race team.
Quick green tip: Cling wrap and really thin plastic wraps like you see at the deli or butcher are actually bad for your food. The chemicals used to make them plyable tend to leach into your food. Instead, use a wax or other paper before you wrap your foods in them. Many of the microwave safe and microwave steam bags have the same chemicals.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
An amazing week two....
As for selecting our teams ... Brooke has chose the brother/sister team (the cheerleaders). I really wanted to chose that team, but Brooke called them first. Jessica chose the divorces team from Texas. Maybe I shouldn't have been so hard on them. Lil Bit chose the black couple team. Momma chose the Mom and son team. I like this chose from a sentimental standpoint, but these types of teams never work out.
For me, I will take the computer geeks team. The ones that came in second tonight. I fear that I will regret this decision, but at least they can speak Spanish, so that should help along the way. I just hope that they don't get involved in a foot race along the way.
As for the show tonight, not so good. I hate it when football goes long (better get used to it). It messes with the rest of shows for the night. I missed nearly 30 minutes of True Blood on HBO.
I hope that the rest of you had a good weekend. Elizabeth and I went to a party Saturday night for a friend that was turning 30 (a baby). Anyway, someone hired a belly dancer for the party. The young lady is a very beautiful young lady, who is obviously good at her trade. Even Elizabeth enjoyed the show. For those wondering in your minds, there was NO nudity about her show. I hope that Jeffrey enjoyed the show and the party.
As a family, we went to the park today to play a little football. We should be in a little better condition considering all of the walking and running that we have been doing!!!!! Apparently, the exercises thing is not helping to the degree that we think it should be helping.
I'll be back next week. Please leave a comment about which team you are going with for the Amazing Race.
Green tip of the Post: After that last tip, do you really need another tip so fast? Save some water, or some energy (turn your lights off) or something else!!!!
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Saving Water ...
Jerry, his brother-in-law and I all met around 7:30 for breakfast and began working around 8:45 when the truck arrived. For his house, Jerry was pouring a new walkway in the backyard and for our home, we were pouring an extension to the driveway (about 90 square feet).
For the walkway, we had to transfer the concrete via wheelbarrows, all 72 loads! To say that I hurt yesterday and today would be an understatement. Luckily when it came time to pour the driveway, we didnt have to use wheelbarrows any longer!!!!
It's awesome to have quality neighborrs and this is just one example of the quality of our neighbors.
Switching subjects, this morning Elizabeth decided to bath Rusty. Rusty recently got into the trash can and the sticky syrup from the cinnamon buns was stuck to his coat. In addition, he smelled like a DOGGGGG!!!!!!!!! So, Elizabeth decided to bath Rusty.
Thankfully, Rusty is pretty good about taking baths, BUT he hates to be dried off. Rusty considers drying off to be a contact sport. I have learned to use two towels when drying him off; one for drying him and one for distracting him. The distracting towel is wrapped around my arm to allow him to bite and chew it without cutting me up. Occassionally, the towel will get loose and Rusty will sling it around side to side (which enivitably will swipe me across the face).
Anyway, the dog is clean, he smells clean, and I survived.
Green Tip of the Post: Save water by sharing a shower. Think about it, if two people share a shower, you are effectively cutting your water consumption in half!!!! I know, I know, I know what you are thinking!!!! If the length of the shower time is doubled as a result of sharing, then you haven't saved any water, BUT you probably had a little fun. Sometimes, its OK to have a little fun, despite the impact.
We tried this theory this morning!!!!! WoooooooHooooooooo!!!!!!!!!1
Elizabeth shared her shower with ...... Rusty!!!! Did you think that I was going to say something different (get your mind out of the gutter)? Its true, Elizabeth bathed Rusty while taking her shower this morning. Now, that is conservation.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Its Amazing ....
If your not familiar with the show or missed tonights episode, you can catch up here. We will be selecting our favorite teams during the second episode. If you would like to play along with us, chose a team and post it in the comments. I will post our teams in the next blog.
Speaking of television, tonight is also the season kickoff for several other shows which means the beginning of the "who is going to the bedroom to watch television" season. Sunday is our biggest conflict night between Desperate Housewives, Brother and Sisters, True Blood, Skins, BBC Specials, Cold Case, football, etc. So, I am sitting on the bed watching True Blood while Elizabeth watches Desperate Housewives.
I've got a little trip lined up for tomorrow evening. A few freinds and I are going to Birmingham to see a concert. The headlining band is Clutch. Clutch has a really unique sound that reflects influences of punk, hard rock, and stoner rock with a subtle shot of southern rock. Check them out at their website.
Green Tip: As I mentioned a few posts ago, I was going to postpone the green posts for a few weeks while we did a better job of getting the previous tips in place. Instead of providing a new tip this time, I thought I would provide an update for everyone. Since Elizabeth starting getting hardcore about the recycling in the house, we have cut our weekly trash output to the dump in half. Its amazing at how little is actually going into the trash now.
On the water front, I am starting to monitor our water usage a little more closely. We had a huge spike in water usage during the month of the bathroom remodel. I know its only been a couple of months since the remodel was complete but it looks the volume output is going to trend down approximately 1000 gallons a month.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Ladies Playing Golf ...
We arrived around 9:00 AM this morning and promptly found a great location at the par three sixteenth hole. From our vantage point, we had a clear view of the sixteenth, a view of the green at twelfth and with a little leg work, we had views of three other holes.
Regretfully, one of my favorite female golfers did not participate in the tournament. However, many of the best females did participate. We really enjoyed the day at the course. After returning home, we watched ourselves on the Golf Channel. Its true that television adds twenty pounds (at least) to a person.
If you want to see a beautiful Scottish highlands style course, check out the coverage on the Golf Channel.
Alabama is about to start now, so I will go. Rollllll Tiiiidddddeee.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
From Theives to Fugitives
I started this blog because of a string of dramatic moments at our house and I thought it would be fun to document and share those moments. Actually, I was drinking and figured that one day I would look back on these moments and ..... 1. remember them and 2. find them funny. Again, sorry mom, I am only trying to tell the truth.
With three teenage girls, I feel that I am overly qualified to discuss boy troubles, best friends gone bad, he said/she said situations, and every other form of drama involved in growing up today (except the drama of being a cheerleader, thank God for the little things).
Since starting the blog, I've had a few really funny moments to document including a few that I didn't share to save myself the memories. Funnier, some didn't even involve the girls, which should be a lesson learned for you parents of little people!!!! It's true, mom (rarely but sometimes dad) are sometimes the drama.
Yesterday, we received one of those ultimate drama moments. One of those, rock you to your socks moments, when I fear for the life of my kids and the freedom of my wife. Let me preach on this one for a moment ....
After getting home, Elizabeth went to check the mail and retrieve the usual, bills. Instead of bills, Elizabeth held in her hand an official document from the Montgomery County Courthouse with Jessica's name on it. I am going to spare everyone a few of the words that were spoken at this point, but let's just say that Jessica went from child 1 to child 5.
After opening what she thought would be a running a red light ticket, Big E learned that Jessica was a wanted fugitive!!!!! NO JOKE, Jessica is a "Wanted Man" or woman in this case.
After much discussion and fretting, Elizabeth and I left for our weekly dinner at one of the local Mexican restaurants. Fat boy must eat.
So this morning, they headed out for the local traffic court. After a little discussion with the little lady behind the counter, Elizabeth finally figured out that someone had screwed up. There are a total of four Jessica Knights in the Montgomery area and one of them had managed to get a ticket for running a red light, BUT, she apparently didn't bother to pay the bill. As a result, the county was looking for her!!!
The problem was that the county was looking for the wrong Jessica and the wrong one was ours.
Now, looking at the warrants, Jessica was wanted for not paying the bill for "driving without a drivers license" and for "driving without insurance". Two out of three of these problems were directed at our daughter but one managed to make it to the appropriate person (running a red light). This only fueled the problem with Big E who requested a supervisor as soon as the lady behind the counter presented her "I could care less" attitude.
At this point, fear for our daughter disappears and fear for the courthouse employee kicks in ....
Luckily, the supervisor had a some sense OR his "pissed off mom" radar went off and he realized it was time to back peddle. The bottom line is that Big E was promptly presented with official documents from the city stating that Jessica is not a criminal. I don't know if this will pacify her or not, but I pray for the soul of the one that created the issue should she pursue it further (and our checkbook too).
Anyway, our Jessica is not a wanted person!!!! She still got a lesson learned by spending her morning hanging out at the traffic court watching the innocent and not so innocent people pleading their cases. I fear for the idiot that made whatever mistake he/she made and the supervisor, and the manager, and the city councilman, etc.
Until next time .... check these TAPAs .....
1. Jessica was accepted to Faulkner University.
2. Jessica received another letter today from Faulkner letting us know that she will receive 50% off her tuition.
Those are both awesome, but even better ...
1. The new AC/DC album comes out in a few weeks.
2. I got AWESOME tickets to see AC/DC in Atlanta this past Saturday!!!
3. Elizabeth is scarred and I don't blame her.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Thieves ... Robbing me of my life
By nature, I am not a violent person. I do enjoy watching what many would consider to be violent television, movies and video games. However, none of those mediums are driving me to my present state of desire.
Let me admit that a majority of the blame needs to be laid squarely in the laps of Big E and I. Apparently, I have ignored my wife and kids telling me about our antivirus subscription lapsing; and as a result, the "kids" computer has been left without adequate antivirus, spyware and malware protection. At the same time, one might think that my wife would take it upon herself to resolve the issue or that one of our intelligent young daughters could have taken a little more initiative. Regardless, I am at fault (see I recognize who doesn't wear the pants in this house).
As for the little people who take it upon themselves to devote hours of potentially productive time creating computer viruses, maybe they would be better served to rot in a cell with a new "friend".
To "rid" myself of this problem, I have spent the past two nights reading other peoples thoughts on he problem (some not as nice as mine), restoring the computer back to its original software configuration, loading and unloading and reloading software, and now I am in the process of loading nearly 100 Windows updates.
Lesson Learned: if your not protected don't go surfing the Internet and if you don't know the application, don't download it (that one is for my girls).
No green tip this post. The reason for the lack of a green post is that I need time to absorb and put into action the previous posts AND I am tired from dealing with this stupid virus. Maybe next time.
Oh yeah, ROOLLLLLLLLLLLL TIIIIIIIIIIDDDDEEE!!! and WARRRRRRR CHICKEN for all my Auburn friends and family.
Speaking of Auburn, check out the Auburn Elvis here.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
One from the Past ...
Since returning home, I've spent the week wading my way through several hundred emails at work and another couple of hundred at home. In addition, I've got a tremendous amount of work to close out the MS project, and several other projects in the pipeline.
In the meantime, lets have a shout out for the ffffooooooottballlllllllllll season!!!!!! Elizabeth and I went to the Alabama Christian High School game last night against St. Jude High School. The game was the best high school game that I've ever attended. ACA won the game 34 - 27. The game was back and forth with several great hits and plays. Both teams should be commended for their effort.
Speaking of football, college football begins this weekend. Elizabeth and I have been glued to the various games since early afternoon. The only thing bad about the start of the college season is the quality of the season opener games. I hate to see blowouts, and that is generally the case for the season openers. Of course, Alabama is starting the season with Clemson, preseason ranked number 9.
Now, on with the main event ...
For several years, I was lucky enough to rewarded with a week at the beach trip (my company paid for the hotel or condo expenses for one week a year). Like many companies, we have looked for various ways to cut expenses, and regretfully our "free" week at the beach was one of those cuts. The beach being referred to was Panama City Beach, also known as the Redneck Riviera.
For the last year, Big E's mom and dad joined us for part of the trip. While we generally took this trip on our own, I really enjoyed having them with us. As you can imagine, we enjoyed going out to eat (something that I am always willing to do), and playing Yahtzee into the wee hours of the morning.
For one of our days out, we decided to play golf. Each year, Elizabeth and I would spend a day or two of our trip playing golf. Our favorite course in the area is the Hombre. The Hombre is a tough course, used yearly as a PGA Qualifying School course. If you are ever in the area, try the course, the course is tough but the staff is awesome and willing to help.
We decided to go play nine at the Hombre that day. To make matters even more enjoyable, we took the worlds greatest mother-in-law with us for her first day on the golf course. Understand, mom was not playing golf, she was there because she wanted to drive the cart.
I decided to pair up with her and let her "chaffeur" me around the course while BiG E and her father played and shared a cart. I usually like to drive the cart (this may have something to do with my OCD), but I was up for the challenge. With the exception of a few spots, she did a great job!!!
Around the fifth hole, we stopped at one of the many break locations (water and bathroom). The ladies decided that they needed a break from the action. I was thankful because the hole happened to be a very narrow shot lined with houses on each side. I was standing on the tee box trying to figure out how I wanted to approach the hole. After a few minutes, both Big E and her father appeared ready to play, so I positioned myself and readied to play.
About the time that I was ready to step up for my tee off, we heard the loudest and scariest screaming that I've ever heard. If I remember right, the screams were cries for help from above. Immediately, Big E sprang to attention and ran for the save. As for me and my father-in-law, we looked at each other wondering what in the world could possibly be wrong.
Now, if you looked at the website for the golf course, you know that the golf course is located on marshlands. So, my fear was a snake had found its way into the bathroom. Less than a minute later, I heard a second scream ......... of laughter and witnessed Big E running out of the bathroom. My mother-in-law noticed that a FROG was trying to escape the toilet while she was on it. At least I was partially right but thankfully I was wrong about the type of reptile.
Can you imagine? A FROG trying to escape while you are on the tiolet. That had to be absolutely terrifying to her, but one of the funniest things for me. I actually had to postpone teeing off in order to go potty myself. AWESOME!!!
We completed the evening with a great meal at Captian Anderson's restaraunt. If you havent eaten at Capn Anderson's, it is worth the trip alone.
Green Tip of the Post: Well, there isnt a new one. I have many of new posts but I've decided that we all need a little time to let the other posts sink in and become routine.