Thursday, September 25, 2008

From Theives to Fugitives

So I was thinking that the follow up to the last blog would be a brighter day and a better subject ... HOWEVER, at the Lee house the drama keeps getting better and better.

I started this blog because of a string of dramatic moments at our house and I thought it would be fun to document and share those moments. Actually, I was drinking and figured that one day I would look back on these moments and ..... 1. remember them and 2. find them funny. Again, sorry mom, I am only trying to tell the truth.

With three teenage girls, I feel that I am overly qualified to discuss boy troubles, best friends gone bad, he said/she said situations, and every other form of drama involved in growing up today (except the drama of being a cheerleader, thank God for the little things).

Since starting the blog, I've had a few really funny moments to document including a few that I didn't share to save myself the memories. Funnier, some didn't even involve the girls, which should be a lesson learned for you parents of little people!!!! It's true, mom (rarely but sometimes dad) are sometimes the drama.

Yesterday, we received one of those ultimate drama moments. One of those, rock you to your socks moments, when I fear for the life of my kids and the freedom of my wife. Let me preach on this one for a moment ....

After getting home, Elizabeth went to check the mail and retrieve the usual, bills. Instead of bills, Elizabeth held in her hand an official document from the Montgomery County Courthouse with Jessica's name on it. I am going to spare everyone a few of the words that were spoken at this point, but let's just say that Jessica went from child 1 to child 5.

After opening what she thought would be a running a red light ticket, Big E learned that Jessica was a wanted fugitive!!!!! NO JOKE, Jessica is a "Wanted Man" or woman in this case.

After much discussion and fretting, Elizabeth and I left for our weekly dinner at one of the local Mexican restaurants. Fat boy must eat.

So this morning, they headed out for the local traffic court. After a little discussion with the little lady behind the counter, Elizabeth finally figured out that someone had screwed up. There are a total of four Jessica Knights in the Montgomery area and one of them had managed to get a ticket for running a red light, BUT, she apparently didn't bother to pay the bill. As a result, the county was looking for her!!!

The problem was that the county was looking for the wrong Jessica and the wrong one was ours.

Now, looking at the warrants, Jessica was wanted for not paying the bill for "driving without a drivers license" and for "driving without insurance". Two out of three of these problems were directed at our daughter but one managed to make it to the appropriate person (running a red light). This only fueled the problem with Big E who requested a supervisor as soon as the lady behind the counter presented her "I could care less" attitude.

At this point, fear for our daughter disappears and fear for the courthouse employee kicks in ....

Luckily, the supervisor had a some sense OR his "pissed off mom" radar went off and he realized it was time to back peddle. The bottom line is that Big E was promptly presented with official documents from the city stating that Jessica is not a criminal. I don't know if this will pacify her or not, but I pray for the soul of the one that created the issue should she pursue it further (and our checkbook too).

Anyway, our Jessica is not a wanted person!!!! She still got a lesson learned by spending her morning hanging out at the traffic court watching the innocent and not so innocent people pleading their cases. I fear for the idiot that made whatever mistake he/she made and the supervisor, and the manager, and the city councilman, etc.

Until next time .... check these TAPAs .....

1. Jessica was accepted to Faulkner University.
2. Jessica received another letter today from Faulkner letting us know that she will receive 50% off her tuition.

Those are both awesome, but even better ...

1. The new AC/DC album comes out in a few weeks.
2. I got AWESOME tickets to see AC/DC in Atlanta this past Saturday!!!
3. Elizabeth is scarred and I don't blame her.


Anonymous said...

I have to say I love how you were drinking and then wanted to start the blog.

Glad the mess with J got cleared up. Knowing how D can chew people up and spit them up, I am sure Big E has a good dose of that. And yes, just being in a courthouse and seeing justice "work" is a great lesson. After Damon's hit and run accident, going to court for the driver was quite an eye opener.

Our Family News. said...

I can't believe Baby Girl was not calm like me, her mother. I mean they were only looking to arrest my sweet granddaughter. I have enjoyed spreading the news to the family. Sorry Jess

Favorite Mother n law