Sunday, September 28, 2008

Its Amazing ....

Whooo Hooo, the new season of Amazing Race started tonight. We watch a lot of television in this house, and the Amazing Race is one of our favorite reality shows. This marks the thirteenth season and if the rest of the season is as fun as the first episode, it will be a good one.

If your not familiar with the show or missed tonights episode, you can catch up here. We will be selecting our favorite teams during the second episode. If you would like to play along with us, chose a team and post it in the comments. I will post our teams in the next blog.

Speaking of television, tonight is also the season kickoff for several other shows which means the beginning of the "who is going to the bedroom to watch television" season. Sunday is our biggest conflict night between Desperate Housewives, Brother and Sisters, True Blood, Skins, BBC Specials, Cold Case, football, etc. So, I am sitting on the bed watching True Blood while Elizabeth watches Desperate Housewives.

I've got a little trip lined up for tomorrow evening. A few freinds and I are going to Birmingham to see a concert. The headlining band is Clutch. Clutch has a really unique sound that reflects influences of punk, hard rock, and stoner rock with a subtle shot of southern rock. Check them out at their website.

Green Tip: As I mentioned a few posts ago, I was going to postpone the green posts for a few weeks while we did a better job of getting the previous tips in place. Instead of providing a new tip this time, I thought I would provide an update for everyone. Since Elizabeth starting getting hardcore about the recycling in the house, we have cut our weekly trash output to the dump in half. Its amazing at how little is actually going into the trash now.

On the water front, I am starting to monitor our water usage a little more closely. We had a huge spike in water usage during the month of the bathroom remodel. I know its only been a couple of months since the remodel was complete but it looks the volume output is going to trend down approximately 1000 gallons a month.

1 comment:

Zwei Baby said...

I haven't had a chance to watch the first episode's recorded though so hopefully later this afternoon! I'll get back to you on picking a team.

Oh...and can I get a ROLL TIDE!! How about #2 in the country...seriously!!