Sunday, November 2, 2008

Grocery Shopping

In our household, Elizabeth and I generally share the grocery shopping and the cooking responsibility. In the past, we had a tendency to eat out more than in. However, we started really changing that habit about six or eight months ago. It is really easy to become accustomed to eating "take-aways" every night but eventually there are two big reasons for why this is bad:

1. Financially - This one is easy to understand.
2. Health - Round is a shape just not the shape that either of us desired.

I recently added a couple of other blogs to the list of regularly read blogs. The Jane4girls blog and Wylie Mom blog have become two of my favorite blogs to read. Each of these ladies (I don't know them but I do admire their frugality) are providing for their families (at least food wise) on very limited budgets. For example, the author of Jane4girls blog budgeted a mere $800 dollars to feed her family of four this year and she still has over $200 dollars left to spend this year.

Now, I will never be as organized and willing to save to the extent of those ladies but I can learn from them. With that being said, today was my first day to get out and really try to put coupons to work. Now, I am not going to be going all gung-ho and driving from store to store buying only what is on sale but I am going to review the advertisements, the items needed, the coupon stash and make an informed decision about what store is best for the list in hand. In addition, I am willing to sign up for a store's "bonus card" or whatever.

For todays shopping experience, Winn-Dixie was the lucky winner of our hard earned dollars. The list was approximately 50% meat (we are proud carnivores), a couple of other food items and 50% non-food items (toiletries, cat items, etc). I got all of the meat BOGO (buy one get one free) and managed to use another $21.75 in coupons. The total savings between BOGO and coupons was just short of $64 dollars on a $148 dollar bill. NOT TOO BAD for my first try.

BUT ..........

I was NOT allowed to use my Internet coupons!!! I was told that too many people were saving too much money! Isn't that the whole purpose of coupons? I told the cashier and bag boy that they could take all of the food items where my coupons were being rejected and return them. Imagine the look on the poor people behind me!!!!

The more I thought about the situation, the madder I became, so here is the email that I sent to Winn-Dixie ...

I was told that I could not use Internet coupons at the Sturbridge store today. The reasoning, as I was told by Jyazmin, is that too many people were using Internet coupons and saving "too much money".

I live a bicycle ride from Winn-Dixie, Brunos, and Publix. I wonder if the other two chains are doing the same thing? I prefer to shop at a single store (and truthfully Winn-Dixie's BOGO free specials often determine the store I shop) but I cant justify shopping anywhere that would discriminate against those of us trying to be frugal with our family budget particularly with the current economic state.

I can't really believe that this is the official Winn-Dixie stand on Internet coupons. I've checked your website and did not see anything to indicate that this is the official stance (though I could have overlooked it). Is this the official stance of Winn-Dixie? If it is the official stance of Winn-Dixie, why do you provide download and print coupons on your website?

I look forward and appreciate hearing back from you.

Stephen Lee

Mom, notice that I was a good little boy in the email. Of course, Winn-Dixie probably gets a hundred plus emails complaining everyday, so my expectations for a response are minimal. If that happens, then I will go directly to the store to request an answer. I'll update everyone on this situation soon.

I think the grand total of coupons rejected was $1.65 with a total sales loss of around $10.00 (all were frozen vegetables). They didn't even complain about the free ($7.00 dollar value) cat litter coupon that was mailed to me but looked like an Internet coupon.

Funny enough, it could have been a $0.10 coupon and I would have been equally angered. Either you accept coupons or you don't!!! They let me use multiple coupons for some items (the receipt even acknowledges it).

Well, while we wait for an official Winn-Dixie response, send me your tricks and tips for saving money. Last weekend, I spent a couple of hours surfing to various websites (Proctor and Gamble, Betty Crocker, etc) and signing up for their emails, newsletters, etc. I did this while drinking beer and watching football so I didn't really lose any of my "valuable" time doing it, but I did manage to get myself some really nice recipes and coupons out of it.

Its really simple to take this approach, simply look in the pantry and go to the websites of the companies you see. WARNING: Setup a special email before you go signing up for every one's emails and newsletters. I use my Gmail (from Google) for these types of sign up offers. It is amazing the crap (oh, I mean special offers and discounts) that you will receive once you sign up for this stuff.

As a quick update, the recipe that I referenced in the previous blog was truly awesome AND it was even better as a left over. I dont usually like left overs but that stuff was better on day two and three. If you have a weak stomach though, avoid it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How about washing dishes the ole fashoined way. With all them dish washers you have.
When I think of others that I know them girls will go for, I will let you know,

Favorite Mother-n-law