Saturday, November 29, 2008

Thanksgiving Week

Its been a really good week. Both Elizabeth and I were off work this week (actually, I managed to sneak a few minutes of work in a couple of days). In addition, each of the girls spent the week at their "other houses".

We were hoping for a visit with my sister this week, but one of the boys wasn't feeling too good, so they could not make the trip. Hopefully, they will be back into the swing of things soon and make it to Monkey Town for Christmas or early Christmas.

Being alone (that is what it feels like to have the girls away from the house) left Big E and I somewhat stupefied by how to pass the time. We played Tiger Woods Golf on the PlayStation, watched TV, I played Diablo on the computer, and we spent a little time with each other (get your mind out of the gutters).

For Thanksgiving, we had a great time at my mom and dads house. My mother cooked a buffet worth of excellent food. Thoroughly stuffed, we spent a few hours outside playing. I hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving and managed to spend some time with their family and friends.

Little Elizabeth went to Atlanta on Friday to help the Operation Christmas Child stuff boxes, wrap and prepare them for shipping. She does this each year with the youth group at her church. Big E and I spent the day helping the economy, shopping. Thankfully, we were done by mid day and went home for a little RnR.

Roooooolllllll Tiiiiiidddddeeee!! That was the highlight of today. After six years, it is really nice to finally get a win. I'm not too sure about next week but today was awesome.

This month marks the anniversary of me starting this blog. In honor of the anniversary, I am asking anyone that regularly reads this to send me an anniversary post. I don't really have any boundaries for the posting as long as it fits within the scope of the blog. Please take a few minutes to send me a "guest" post. If you do decided to send me a "guest" blog post, send it to

I haven't had a green tip of the post in a while, but we are trying to be a little greener at the house. We purchased a new set of washer and dryer this weekend. Big E is really excited about getting a set of front loaders that are energy star compliant. In addition, the new washer is supposed to use 65% less water. If you have an old washer as we do, stepping up to a new one could be much better from an energy and water use standpoint.

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