Sunday, October 19, 2008


CBS needs to get their priorities straight. Its only 49 minutes late getting started but it looks like we have a little bad blood to kick thins off. While we wait to see how the bickering ends, lets review the weekend.

This overtime stuff is making it impossible for me to catch all of my shows. I guess that I will have to pass on "True blood" this week and catch a reply sometime during the week.

Friday night was the final home football game for the Alabama Christan Academy Eagles. The day was a little chilly with slight rain throughout the day making for perfect football weather. We won a tight one with only minutes to spare. For Jessica, this was her final home football game.

We finished the night by watching Saw II. We are re-watching all of the Saw movies in preparation for the upcoming release of Saw V. If you are not familiar with the Saw series, it is a series of movies that are part gruesome, part suspense, and completely twisted. These movies are not for the average person.

Game break ... the frat boys are charming little fellows and Little Elizabeth's team just got a flat tire.

Saturday we had a little family fun. To begin with, we purchased a few pumpkins for carving (I'll post pictures next time). We visited with my mom and dad for a couple of hours, and we concluded the day with a little grill action.

For entertainment, we had two alternatives. The first was little Gabe. Gabe is a funny little fellow, Jessica and Brooke's cousin, who comes to spend the night with us every now and then. Gabe provides a lot of laughs through his continual harassment of Rusty and his ability to forego sleep. As the old saying goes .... out of the mouth of babes!!

The second half of our entertainment was Saw III. This was not my favorite of the Saw movies but it did explain a lot about the relationship between the two main characters and the reasoning behind the gruesome trials.

Today, Little Elizabeth and I visited my grandmother for lunch. We had a neighborhood grill and block party this afternoon. This was our neighborhoods first block party. I hope that everyone had a good time, I know our family had a good time.

Game break ... the fast track was insane. If Elizabeth and I were the first to arrive for that task, we would have had to turn around and go back to the normal tasks. Elizabeth is terrified of heights so climbing that tower would have never happened.

And the winner is ... for the third week in a row, the struggling married couple. I cant believe that they are playing so strong. And the loser is ... the Carolina girls and Phil's dad for volunteering to give them a big hug!

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