Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Bloody Monday and the Sheriffs department

Ohhhhh yeah baby, we haven't had some good drama in the blogsphere in a while, so sit back and prepare yourself for this one.

Monday was like any typical day around the house until the blood began to flow. Big E announced that it was "fix it yourself" dinner night, we watched the Big Bang Theory and all the girls started getting ready for volleyball night.
Around 7:30 as the girls were preparing to leave for volleyball, I heard a loud thud coming from the bathroom. Apparently, Brooke and Jessica were wrestling in the bathroom as they waited for Big E to finish her business (there is always room for a good poo joke). The loud thud was the sound of Brook falling into the bath tub and busting her head against the stone ledge around the window. This resulted in what was described as a large and deep gash in the back of her head.
At this point, I was still chilling in my lazy chair actually preparing a little work for the next day. I guess you could say that I didn't put two and two together when I heard the sound.

Now, follow this little fast paced timeline ....

1. Little Bit comes running out of the back saying that it was time to go.
2. A moment later, Brooke comes walking out of the bathroom followed by Jessica pressing a towel down on the back of Brooke's head with Brooke laughing about something.
3. A few seconds later, Big E came out of the bathroom, frantic, and said it was time to go.
4. I said what?
5. She said she had to take Brooke to the hospital, the cut is bad.
6. I sat up and said huh?
7. She said it was a deep cut and they needed to leave.
8. I jumped up and ran to the bathroom, saw the blood and asked "Are you sure"?

I might have missed a hint or two along the way? But by this time, I knew that Brooke was hurt, bleeding a little and they were headed for the hospital.

I ran back to the bathroom again, and Jessica was already in there cleaning the tub. Wrong thought I know, but my first thought was why are you cleaning that up, I need pictures for the blog. Sorry, I missed that one but its not the only opportunity I missed.

I again questioned the deepness of the cut and the need to go to the doctor.
Side Note: This stems from a few traumatic moments in my childhood regarding cuts and the need to go to the doctor. Its funnier to hear my mom tell those stories, so ask her. Lets just say that I've had my head shaved for stitches, and lost a portion of two different fingers. According to my dad, I didn't need stitches for those moments either.

And now we return you back to Days Of Our Drama starring Brooke ..... I didn't take the trip figuring it was a Monday night and the emergency room would not be too busy. Jessica left for volleyball figuring it would be better than being at the emergency room, and Little E went to the hospital figuring their would be some fun people watching opportunities or maybe she was trying to be helpful?

By this time, its only 7:40!!! That is a lot to happen in a span of ten minutes.
I sat down to finish my work figuring I would see them in an hour. Big E and I spoke around 9:30 and they had still not been seen by a doctor. Someone came out and wrapped Brooke's head to help with the bleeding, but apparently Monday is a busy night at the emergency room (based on Little E's people watching report, lots of people on Monday night are still trying to recover from the weekend).

Here is Brooke with her head wrapped up ...

Once the doctor finally got to see them, they ran the usual battery of tests to make sure that she had a brain (this required two CAT scans!!!), and that she didn't have a concussion, etc. Then after five stitches they sent them home. Arrival time 2:45 AM!!!!

Here is Brooke's head with stitches. They are kind of hard to see. The doctor was really nice and didn't shave her head (secretly we were hoping for a little loss of hair).

All was back to normal on Tuesday, when Big E reminded me that I had to take Little E down to the Sheriffs office for her CSI class. Little E wants to become a CSI photographer, so she is participating in a weekly class through the Sheriffs department on the topic.

Since the class is only an hour, I decided to sit in the hallway and wait for her. I don't know everything they discussed but on more than one occasion, I heard the lecturer state something about "this dead body" or notice the "decay", etc. I like horror and gore movies, but what are they watching? Can I participate? Should I participate and monitor this session? Afterwards, I asked her if she enjoyed her "dead people" class and she responded that next week they get to actually take pictures!!! What does that mean? Do I have to participate and act like a dead person? I am concerned about this class.

Anyway, I little bit of fun. Brooke is fine and Little E is a little warped but all is actually well in the Lee house.


Anonymous said...

Yikes on Brooke and her head injury!

I have always said if I have a head injury the required the partial shaving of my head, all my hair would come off. Basically I am really, really, really, really curious how my hair would grow back.

And Little E's class sounds really interesting. Would love to hear more about that!

Our Family News. said...

Never a dull moment around the Lees homestead. The Sheriff should have used Brook for the body or injured person. Ha Ha. Like Mother like daughter. Right, Baby girl.

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