Sunday, October 5, 2008

An amazing week two....

First, the divorces from Texas are idiots. If you chose that team, then you need a mental examination. Basically, their night went like this .... Read clue number one, not checked. Read clue number two, not checked. Get kicked off ... missed it by the seat of their pants.

As for selecting our teams ... Brooke has chose the brother/sister team (the cheerleaders). I really wanted to chose that team, but Brooke called them first. Jessica chose the divorces team from Texas. Maybe I shouldn't have been so hard on them. Lil Bit chose the black couple team. Momma chose the Mom and son team. I like this chose from a sentimental standpoint, but these types of teams never work out.

For me, I will take the computer geeks team. The ones that came in second tonight. I fear that I will regret this decision, but at least they can speak Spanish, so that should help along the way. I just hope that they don't get involved in a foot race along the way.

As for the show tonight, not so good. I hate it when football goes long (better get used to it). It messes with the rest of shows for the night. I missed nearly 30 minutes of True Blood on HBO.

I hope that the rest of you had a good weekend. Elizabeth and I went to a party Saturday night for a friend that was turning 30 (a baby). Anyway, someone hired a belly dancer for the party. The young lady is a very beautiful young lady, who is obviously good at her trade. Even Elizabeth enjoyed the show. For those wondering in your minds, there was NO nudity about her show. I hope that Jeffrey enjoyed the show and the party.

As a family, we went to the park today to play a little football. We should be in a little better condition considering all of the walking and running that we have been doing!!!!! Apparently, the exercises thing is not helping to the degree that we think it should be helping.

I'll be back next week. Please leave a comment about which team you are going with for the Amazing Race.

Green tip of the Post: After that last tip, do you really need another tip so fast? Save some water, or some energy (turn your lights off) or something else!!!!


Zwei Baby said...

Hey! What a great picture of Jessica....I love it!
I still haven't had a chance to watch the second show (Amazing Race). I have it recorded but can't seem to find two seconds to sit down and watch it! I think I'm with Little Elizabeth though and I'll choose the black couple.

Oh and on the conservation tip...I (or Josh) shower with both the boys so does that mean we are tripling our water savings?

Anonymous said...

They speak Portuguese in Brazil.