Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Havent had much to say..

I haven't really had too much to say so I haven't blogged. Have you noticed? Don't really have much to say today either, so here are a few bullets..

1. Brook has a track competition this weekend, so we are headed for Mobile. Don't know if we are driving down Friday or Saturday yet.

2. I haven't been able to run since the 5K race. My knees are really feeling sore and they sound like its time for an oil change. I went to see the doctor today and the verdict ... physical therapy. It seems that my knees are not strong enough to support my weight so the ligaments under the knee caps are grinding (hence the squeeking noise when I walk). The solution is to build the muscles in my upper leg to bare the brunt of the action. Funny that I started running to lose weight but my weight is making it difficult to run.

3. It snowed on Sunday. Snow in our little part of the world is an oddity. The dog enjoyed chasing snow balls.

4. Amazing Race has started again. I am pulling for the red head ex-cheerleaders. Big Es team went home this past week.

5. Its tax season again. Can't wait to see how much I owe the government. I guess its my small way of helping Obama help the economy. Maybe all his stimulation packages will stimulate the market to help me in return. Its almost like investing in my future. Now that is funny.

Until next time, try this Green Tip of the Post ... Clean out the from behind your refrigerator to insure good air flow. While you are back there, clean the air intake grates. Try this with your washer and dryer too. Good air flow helps the units to run better and smoother.

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