Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Finished the Laundry Room

I've planned on doing this blog for a couple of weeks but never got around to charging the batteries in the camera. I figured I would finally do it since I probably wouldn't feel like blogging this weekend.

On January 5th (Little Bits birthday), our shelves for the new washer and dryer arrived. Picking up the units was not a problem, but picking up the dryer and washer to stack them on the shelves was a major struggle. The end result is that they look much better on the shelves.

The weekend before the shelves arrived, I decided that the laundry room deserved a make over. I say that I decided because in my sleep I dreamed about the make over and the hassle that it would be if Big E decided a make over was required AFTER the shelves were installed. So, at 8:00 on Saturday morning I informed Big E that I was headed for the local Home Depot to pick out paint. Now, for some men this is probably not the best time to tell the wife that you are going to pick out paint colors and paint a room, but in our house I am the decision maker!!!!

OK, so that may not really be the case, but it is true that I get to pick colors for rooms. After arriving at Home Depot, I called Big E and she helped me to select the color by looking at swatches online. We had already discussed our plan to have a cool light color in the room. She went with Behr's Flint Smoke.

By 10:00 AM, I was at home and painting and by 8:00 that evening I was done. I managed to brush (no rolling paint in this house) on three light coats and only used 1/2 of a quart of paint (that is why we hand paint!).

In addition to painting the room, we also decided to hang a new clothes hanger and sliding basket (for the stray socks that seem to accumulate). You can see the top of the hanging shelf in this picture.
In this picture you can see the extra shelf and the sliding basket.

That is Rusty's food container on the floor.

All in all, the room is much improved, and it didn't cost a fortune (YES!!!).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I really think you did a fantastic job. Is that a round thing, the clothes are hanging on with the basket over it. Don't you just love the washer and dryer. I do mine. I give you a rating of 10+.

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