Thursday, November 15, 2007

Slow week ..

Its been a fairly slow week in the Lee house. In fact, its been too slow. Almost like the calm before the storm. Next week should be a fun week, as we are all out of school and work. In addition, my sister is in town with the twins. I am looking forward to hanging out with the boys and staying up late playing a variety of games with the family.

Changing subjects, have you ever noticed that you seem to be stuck in rut? Each of us have a little routine, or simple tasks that we perform every day that become so engrained into our daily lives that we hardly even realize it anymore.

Take Rusty as an example. A pet requires a certain amount of attention and daily care, in some ways its liking having another child. If your pet is spoiled, like Rusty, it can be even worse. This week has really demonstrated that for me. Each morning, we awake at 5:30 to let that dog go outside. At 6:00, he hangs out in the bathroom waiting for me to finish my shower. By 6:15, he is impatiently begging me for breakfast. From 6:17 to 7:00, Rusty goes in and out at least three times for his morning constitutional, and generally stretch his legs. In the afternoon, I am greeted at the door and forced to go play ball. Every night around 11:30 with go through the evening beating after he breaks into the cat food for a late night snack.

Dont get me wrong, I love that dog. We are the best of buddies, but whose trained who in that relationship?

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