Wednesday, August 4, 2010

One time, two time, three time .... DEAD!!!

Several months ago, I introduced you to Elizabeth's new "baby", Daisy. Daisy is a beautiful Cairn Terrier (terror), who has managed to double in size and almost triple in weight since we got her in March. She isn't the only one gaining weight but that is a different blog.

I admit that I wasn't a fan of Daisy (or getting any little "mini" dog) but Elizabeth was very persuasive about the decision. However, since getting Daisy, she has grown on me and I readily admit that I love that dog.

Cairn terriers were bred to be rodent chasers. In fact, they were bred to climb through tunnels and crevices in the Earth to catch their prey. In Alabama terms, that means that Daisy is ready to own and defend "her" turf!!!!! In theory, this should be Rusty's job!

As luck would have it, theory means nothing in our house. The reality is, females rule, males drool. Daisy rules Rusty in every sense of the word. She also rules the back yard which she considers her domain.

Since getting Daisy, she has managed to catch and kill two birds. She is a quick little bugger. Today, she caught and killed her first rabbit. To prove that I am not kidding, her is a picture of the rabbit.

WARNING: For those that love rabbits or don't understand the concept of the food chain, don't look now!!!!

Yes, that rabbit is dead and yes, it is our backyard. Daisy makes me so proud. Don't come in our backyard or Diasy will get you.

Its not enough that Daisy rules the backyard, but she also thinks that she rules the sofa. To be clear, the sofa is MY domain. I rule the sofa!!!! I rule the TV, when the women of the house are not around. Tonight, Daisy, apparently amped up on her most recent kill, decided she ruled the sofa too. Don't believe me? Check out these photos......

The first one is me and sweet little Daisy. Can you see how lovely she looks with her little bow? She is a little camera shy, so I had to hold her for the picture (hence the worried look on her face and my hand on her throat). Notice anything else about the picture?

Check out this close up! Yeah, that's my nose after it has been cleaned up!! Daisy apparently had an issue with me sitting in "her spot" on the sofa. To extract her revenge, she literally, head butt me to the nose.

Ahhhh, its always exciting at our house. Usually, its the girls that keep it fresh but sometimes the dogs get in on the action too. If I get a black eye, I will post that tomorrow.
Last, let me say a big happy birthday to my sister. Tomorrow is her big day. I think she will be ... yeah, I ain't that dumb ... 21 for the second or third time. Love you, happy birthday!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the birthday shoutout!! I enjoyed celebrating the 9th anniversary of my 29th birthday in Chicago with Josh sans the kids ... yay for momma being here to watch them :)
Go Daisy .. that's a pretty impressive kill and I'm here to tell you that you'll never find me entering her backyard without permission if your nose is any indication of what I can expect!