Saturday, December 15, 2007

Girls, not women, girls!!! And Christmas presents too


Its been another week in the Lee Household and everyone has survived. In the spirit of the season, I planned for this entry and the rest throughout the season to be centered around Christmas. However, I need to get a few things off my ample stomach before getting into the fun stuff. Hopefully you won't mind, and if you do click the next blog button (its actually pretty surprising where this can land you).

I admit that the general gist of this blog is to make fun of the fun that I have living with one woman, three girls, and my little buddies (Rusty, BooBoo and Yogi). In doing so, I have to make fun of myself, my wife and our girls. With that being said, over the course of this week, I have learned several things ....

1. Lil Bit has a boyfriend.
2. One of our daughters feels the need to be the center of attention at all times.
3. One of our daughters is spreading her wings and beginning the seperation process.

Acually, I don't like ANY of those things.

1. Boyfriend number 1 is actually a nice kid. In fact, he actually believed that I had been to prison and that I truly wasn't scared to go back (he actually asked Lil Elizabeth if that was true!!!).

The boy (I dont want to give away his name) was smart enough to open her door when they left (Yes, I was watching). Then, after arriving at home from their first date (alone), he came straight over to me to insure that she was home on time!! I should have taken advantage of this but I didn't have the heart to do so.

Thankfully, Big E and I are the "cool" parents. Those are not my words, they actually came from the mouth of one of the girls "friends". I learned this philosophy from a former boss and all around smart guy, who once told me that he and his wife always tried to throw the cool parties for their daughters because it meant his kids were at his home. At the time that didn't mean anything to me, but now it does and I appreciate the word of advice (Brad, you know who you are and I appreciate it).

2. Every kid goes through a stage when you will not like them. Don't get me wrong, I love her, but I don't like her. That may be blunt, but it is true. Right now, our youngest is in one of those stages. You would think she is an only child. I don't understand this, and I have no intention to do so.

3. I guess this is my most conflicted (least and proudest) moment of the three. I don't really know what I want to say about this one. I like Jessica, most of the time even though she and I are too much alike.

She is really becoming our "little miss independent". I hope that we manage to raise fully independent women, but do I really need to see that occuring at the age of seventeen?

Enough ... Christmas is coming ...

Christmas is a very big thing with my family. Each year, we gather at Mom's house for a fun day of gifts, food (my favorite) and fun. As always, I am looking forward to this day. Regrettfuly, my sister won't be joining us for this big day.

In Big E's family, it isn't as big a deal, but we do get together each Christmas Eve as a family to celebrate and have some fun. This year it will be at our house. I am looking forward to the annual party! Also, I hope that Aunt Bobby doesn't steal my gift this year!

Do you have someone on your list that is difficult to shop for? I have several people like that. I've gone to all the idea sites, spoke to mom and dad, and even tried bribing their kids to help me with ideas but to no avail. If you are one of those people (and you know who you are), I am publicly asking for your help. Send me some ideas.

Also, does your family have an unwritten competition to see who can give and get the "best" gift? Years ago, my dad started priding himself on finding a gift to make one (or more) women in the family cry (a good cry, not a bad one).

In addition, we have exchanged a couple of really goofy or super sentimental gifts between us. I don't know who is on top with that one, but I do know who will give MOM the "best gift ever", this year!!!

ME!!!!!! Can you feel the pride?

I know this because she already told me so. Wanna know what it is? Maybe after Christmas, I will tell you. In the meantime, I MUST say thanks to my dad for helping me with it. I may have bought the gift, but it would never have come to fruition without him.

To Heather, it is official, I am the favorite kid now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In the meantime, here are a few ideas for me ...

1. Patience
2. Understanding
3. Beer (again, I am sorry Mom)
4. Front row seats to a really cool concert (AC/DC would be nice, next year!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Until next time, be kind to someone that you don't know ......

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