Sunday, April 20, 2008

Who says excercise doesnt pay ...

I'm sorry that the blogs have been a little slow in the typing of late. We've been a busy little family of late.

Jessica returned safe and sound from her trip to Boston and Niagara. Highlights from the trip include:
  1. Seeing the Blue Man Group while in Boston. They sat front row!!
  2. Seeing a Boston Celtics basketball game while in Boston.
  3. Seeing Niagara Falls while in Canada. Regretfully, they didnt get to enjoy the Journey Behind the Falls tour due to the weather.
I have no doubt that the trip included a complete lack of sleep, some good food, and a lot of fun.

This past Friday was Big E's birthday. She celebrated her birthday by working till 10:30 that night. The girls and I celebrated her birthday at the Kabuki restaurant. I dont think she enjoyed her birthday as much as we enjoyed it. We will be celebrating her birthday with her later in the week at the Ox Yoke restaurant in Wetumpka.

Speaking of going places, its only twenty days till Big E and I go to spend a week with Mickey Mouse and friends. We are really excited about the trip. In addition to seeing Disney, we will be visiting with my sister and the twins at their new house.

Little E and I have been slacking on our training. We are planning to run in the Jubilee Cityfest 8K run on Memorial Day Weekend. Although we havent been on top of our game lately, I can really tell that the running is helping me. I still have to stop and walk for more of the distance than run, but my knees are starting to feel better and it takes longer before my back hurts.

I was really starting to believe that excercise was a good thing until I went to the doctor last week. Apparently all the excercise has increased my appetite because I have gained ten pounds since January of this year. I thought the running would help me to lose some weight?

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